Cristina Biino

Cristina Biino

Cristina Biino is scientific attaché at the Italian Permanent Mission to the International Organizations based in Geneva, on assignment from the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI). She follows the diplomatic and technical activities of several scientific organisations, including CERN, IPCC, ITU, IUCN, Minamata, Ramsar, WMO and UNEP.

She has been a researcher and senior researcher at INFN Torino and recently joined the Faculty of the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI, L’Aquila, Italy). She has also held positions at Princeton University and at CERN, where she spent two stays as a Scientific Associate working in Beam Facilities and in Experimental Physics.

Her scientific interests focus on physics studies of fundamental relevance and on the development of innovative detector technologies. She has contributed to experiments performed at CERN and at Fermilab, US. Within INFN, she has coordinated the experimental high energy physics (HEP) activities in Torino and has been member of the National Committee for HEP at Accelerator Facilities (INFN-CSN1), while also taking part in the meetings of the National Committee for Astroparticle Physics (INFN-CSN2). At CERN, she has been the Italian delegate to the Advisory Committee of CERN Users (ACCU), where she currently holds the role of chairperson.