Deferred retirement pension

Anyone opting for a deferred retirement pension becomes a beneficiary of the Fund.

The amount is based on the following data:

  • The Fund’s Rules applicable at the time you joined
  • Reference salary
  • Years of membership (including purchases)
  • Reduction factor in the event of incomplete contributions

A deferred retirement pension is payable when you reach the applicable retirement age or the age at which you have elected to take an anticipated retirement pension.



  • If you joined the Fund on or before 31 December 2011:
    • 2% of your final reference salary x years of membership x reduction factor for incomplete contributions (if relevant)
  • If you joined the Fund on or after 1 January 2012:
    • 1.85% of the average of your last 36 months' reference salaries x years of membership x reduction factor for incomplete contributions (if relevant)

To find out more...



I am entitled to a deferred retirement pension and would like to receive it as an anticipated retirement pension, what should I do?

Please contact the Benefits Service at least three months before the chosen anticipated retirement date.